Our main goal is not to run the best and most efficient program; rather help transform lives and break the cycle of poverty. And yet, I believe we execute our programs with excellence. But I must admit, touching the lives of our neighbors can be...

So what does 2016 hold for you? Here at Shepherd, we are focusing on going deeper into our neighborhood. We want to continue to ring the bells of hope all year long. With a partnership with friends like you, we believe that's exactly what will...

So what is Christmas like at Shepherd?? We provided over 700 Christmas food baskets and food totes so students and their families have plenty of food to eat while they are home together this Christmas season. All 500+ students from our daily programs shopped for gifts for...

I love watching the old time Christmas movies. Maybe it’s because they take me back to my childhood days. Do you remember those days? When Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer show was only shown one time each season. We all stopped everything to gather and watch. It all...

Almost a year ago, the city of Indianapolis came and asked for Shepherd Community to help deal with the epidemic of violence in our neighborhoods. Could we take the amazing, transformative work we have done inside our walls and take it directly to our neighbors? Our...

from indystar.com, July 18th 2014 Jay Height was still reeling from one of the latest acts of gruesome violence inflicted on Indianapolis this summer when I caught up with him this past week. Days earlier, police called to a Northwestside apartment complex found a woman beaten to...

A hero is gone. I am priviledged to live in an area protected by simply the finest; the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department. I am glad to raise my family in an area served by these fine officers. Last week, our community lost one of these officers, doing...

So why do we care? At times, it seems as if there is no progress in the lives of those we serve.  The appearance can deceive into hopelessness. One could question "Are we making a difference?" Inches. Yes, progress may only be in inches-but progress it is....

Today we celebrate Easter and new life. We see that now as spring begins to lead nature from the death of winter toward the rebirth of spring. It is beautiful and we love to see all the changes. The darkness of winter has led to us...