Hi. I'm Jay Height with this week's update to you on the exciting things happening at Shepherd Community. Next week begins a series of every Monday in the month of October, we'll be providing flu vaccines right here in this parking lot. And we're partnering...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WExvQnmHqzsVIDEO TRANSCRIPTIONJay Height:Hi. I'm Jay Height with this week's update to you on the exciting things happening at Shepherd Community. Next week begins a series of every Monday in the month of October, we'll be providing flu vaccines right here in this parking lot. And...

Hi, I'm Andrew Green. I'm the Assistant Executive Director here at Shepherd Community Center, and we just wanted to be able to share with you today about what a great summer we've had here at Shepherd, and I have a few friends that...

Hi, I'm Jay Height with this week's update on the exciting things happening in Shepherd Community. We have our summer day camp going on for elementary kids, over a hundred kids, middle school, high school, about 50, and it is really exciting for me...