Shepherd is effective because of relationships. It's easy to look at a lot of different programs and to think programs make the difference, but we know from 35 years of experience, that relationships make a difference. Relationships is where the impact happens and...

Hi friends. It's good to be with you today. And I know Jay has been sharing with you about our road to recovery, and I wanted to continue that message and be able to share a little bit more about one of the...

On The Road to Recovery, we talk about five different focuses, and one of those is medical. I'm excited to tell you that we have partnered (and I know I'm going to sound like a NASCAR driver here) with the State Department of...

Some say the unemployment rate in our neighborhood is 45%. It has been hit hard and the challenge for our neighbors who've primarily worked in the service industry is great. Our plan in the road to recovery is to help retool them, give...

Hi, it's Jay Height here at Shepherd Community, and it's a beautiful Fall day. Football's happening finally and the Colts winning and, amidst all of the challenges, we have some good news and we're making great impact. We appreciate everyone's support as we...

Hi. It's Jay Height here at Shepherd Community. You see behind me cars dropping off kids, picking kids up. You'll see cars in this parking lot picking up food. And we're blessed to have lots of folks make it possible for us to...

Hi. I'm Jay Height here in Shepherd Community, outside on our playground. You see kids in the background. We're excited to have students here. Students at our elearning pods off site. Lots of kids, and we are thankful for that. Last week was...

Hi welcome. And this week we want to give you an update on the difference you've made in the families here at Shepherd community. Back in March, when we put together our 120 day plan, we said we were going to impact five...

Hey, we're excited here at Minnie Hartmann. Our new early childhood center opened this week and we've had little feet walking in this door and we're excited about that. We've had parents carry in their infant children in, and we know that this...

Hi, it's Jay Height here at Shepard Community. And today we're going to take a look back over the last 120 days when we pivoted to deal with major crisis of an economy, of a upheaval because of racism and a pandemic. We...