VIDEO: Partner Update


Jay Height:
Thank you for the partnership, for the kingdom, as it relates to the near east side of Indianapolis. Today’s Shepherd community needs your help more than ever as we are working to meet the five areas of focus for us, the practical needs that have been hurt so greatly by this COVID 19 crisis. Food, we’re distributing food almost every day to hundreds of families, and making sure that our kids and their families and other folks in our neighborhood, senior adults are eating. We’re working with the financial stability, making sure they’re able to pay their bills, making sure that they aren’t losing their homes. We are working hard to help our families not feel isolated. For our single adults, we’re calling them and we want to connect at this time of distancing. We’re continuing our educational process to invest in the long term of the 400-plus students we work with every day. It’s happening through e-learning, and so we’re getting computers into the home and helping deal with that. And we’re also dealing with the medical needs of our neighbors. We need your help. Thank you for the partnership for the kingdom. It’s being lived out in a real way here in the near east side of Indianapolis. In these difficult days, there is hope. It’s Jesus Christ.