As a long-term missionary, serving with her husband and children in Zambia and the Ukraine, Donna Alexander witnessed the complexities and consequences of deep poverty in her day-to-day ministry. Yet, when she arrived at Shepherd Community Center in 2018 to serve as director of volunteers, Alexander...

Meet Tim Swarens! Tim will be giving us the "inside scoop" of some events and happenings here at Shepherd. If you want to better understand Shepherd and our neighborhood, you won't want to miss Tim's articles. Tim Swarens is a former opinion editor and columnist with...

from, July 18th 2014 Jay Height was still reeling from one of the latest acts of gruesome violence inflicted on Indianapolis this summer when I caught up with him this past week. Days earlier, police called to a Northwestside apartment complex found a woman beaten to...

My bride of 25 great years, and I, had the priviledge to reconnect with a fine young lady we were able to work with over 18 years ago in Cincinnati. We are so proud to see all she is doing and all she has accomplished;...

There are lot's of conversations about politics these days. Unfortunately, I haven't heard much on the politics of poverty. As each candidate speaks about their views, what seems to be lost is the names and faces of those whom all the policies impact.  I will...