Shepherd Community partners with the Institute for Quality Education (IQE) as our Scholarship Granting Organization (SGO). An SGO is a state-designated 501(c)(3) that provides financial needs-based scholarships to students enrolled in non-public schools, like the Shepherd Community Academy.
By giving a gift through IQE and designating it to Shepherd Community Academy, you will be providing needs-based scholarships to eligible incoming and current students at Shepherd. As a donor, not only are you providing needed scholarships, but you will also qualify for a 50% INDIANA STATE TAX CREDIT. Additionally, the total is still eligible for a federal tax deduction. This program is not only available to individuals, but to companies as well.
SGO gifts can be made by check (payable to the Institute for Quality Education), stock, or credit card and benefit the Shepherd Community Academy. To make an SGO credit card gift or initiate a stock gift to benefit Shepherd Community Academy, please click here.