Breaking Ground

The ground has been broken.

Yes, our expansion is underway! This expansion is all about empowering our families with the tools necessary to break the cycle of poverty.

A key addition in this new construction is our teaching kitchen. Unfortunately, cooking is a lost art. Coupled with lack of access to healthy, fresh food, these barriers can have serious effects on our neighbors’ health. Once our construction is complete, we will be able to host classes and teach our families how to cook healthy food.

In addition to our teaching kitchen, we will also be adding space to expand our Food Co-Op, where our families pay $2 a week and have access to fresh eggs, fruits, and vegetables. The Food Co-Op currently serves 30 families and allows families to learn how to grow their own food through on-site volunteering in community with other Shepherd families.

Exciting days are at hand as we work harder to help empower our families to break the cycle of poverty!