Throughout the year, Shepherd partners with Gleaners, Midwest Food Bank, Tyson Food, Kroger, and countless churches, corporations, and volunteers to provide food to our neighbors. Our Shepherd Kitchen serves over 65,000 meals every year. Our Shepherd Pantry serves an average of 840 neighbors monthly, while our Drive-Through Mobile Pantry serves over 1,400 neighbors monthly. With the help of dedicated volunteers, we also deliver food directly to our homebound neighbors, averaging 383 families a month. We also distribute over 6,600 weekend and holiday food packs for the kids in our programs throughout the year. To help address the food desert in our community and serve our many food-insecure neighbors, we need our generous partners’ continuous help and support. We love to partner with corporations to find meaningful, hands-on opportunities to help us meet the need to feed our hungry neighbors. Donating food, supplies, vehicle use, and financial support are all critical to fighting hunger in Indianapolis.